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Library Trustee Minutes 03/10/08
James A. Tuttle Library
45 Main Street, Antrim, NH 03440

Board of Trustees Meeting
March 10, 2008

Present: Nancy Benda (Treasurer), Janis King, Connie Kirwin (Secretary), Sheila Proctor and Margaret Warner (Co-Chairs), Kathy Chisholm (Library Director).

Minutes of the 2/11/2008 meeting were approved.

Treasurers Report:
·       Nancy presented a budget based on 2007 expenditures of Library trust funds. The Treasurers report was accepted.
·       Nancy met with Bill Prokop, John Kendall, and Ron Haggett on February 19th to review building expenses to date. There might be a shortfall of $10,000 which will be covered from other areas of the budget and the Library building fund. May 1st is the estimated completion date of the renovations in the original building.
·       We have an estimate of $8,350 for furniture purchases for the renovated building. The Trustees authorized Kathy to proceed with the order except for the wing chairs which will be ordered by Nancy and Margie.
·       The board approved the purchase of a digital voice recorder for about $69 for use at all meetings as authorized in RSA 91-A:2 II.
·       There was discussion on documentation and the use of the Library credit card. It was agreed that all credit card purchases must be either pre-approved or post-approved by the board at their regular meetings and must be documented in the minutes. All sales slips of purchases made must be submitted to the Treasurer on a monthly basis.   
Directors Report:
·       Kathy e-mailed her report to the Trustees prior to the meeting.
·       Kathy recommended the purchase of a phone system to be used in the remodeled building. She will investigate a 4-8 hand-set system with intercom capabilities and report at the next meeting.
·       Kathy reported on the staff meeting held March 7th and their suggestions for a staffing schedule to accommodate coverage by 3 people, a closing procedure, and maintaining the website.
·       Kathy presented a procedure for the use of the cash register. It was noted by the board that the Library Director has fiduciary responsibility for the money which averages between $1,800-1,900 annually and must be completely trained in the use of the register including end of day reconciliation.
·       Kathy reported that it costs 56¢ for each downloadable book.

Old Business:
·       Discussion on the list of tasks and work projects to fill in down-time when the library is not busy with patrons. The trustees requested that Kathy pull a short list for volunteers to do.
·       Discussion on the library computers; problems with the laptop; use of the logbook; notifying Allen when there is a problem; downloading and upgrading programs; password protection. It was decided that the board needs to meet with Allan Treadwell. Nancy will contact him.
·       It was decided that signs should be placed next to the Public Access computers notifying the public that anyone making changes to the computers without permission from the staff will be subject to RSA 202-A:24 Offenses Against Libraries. Any person who shall willfully or maliciously deface, damage or destroy any property belonging to…any…public…library, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Any such person shall forfeit to or for the use of such library…3 times the amount of the damage sustained, to be recovered in an action in the superior court. It should also be noted that any changes done to the computers are date and time stamped. Connie will type the notice and send to Kathy.   
·       Kathy distributed information on the various definitions of a goal and how to differentiate between goals and job responsibilities. The staff will revaluate their goals based on these definitions. They will be reminded that goals must be measurable. Discussion on staff goals will be postponed to the April meeting.
·       The website has been updated with current information. Connie asked about the “old” history of the Tuttle Library that is currently on the website. It was written in 2000 by the fifth grade from Great Book School. It was decided that this will be replaced by another history and the chronology of the original building excerpted from the Antrim Reporter from 1906–1908 and compiled by Ron Haggett.
·       Discussion on the cleanup of the second floor of the original building. Janis volunteered to move the folding chairs from the basement to the cupboards based on the construction schedule. That will free up space in the basement storage room for other miscellaneous library materials that are stored in the soon to be constructed library work/break room. The trustees set a deadline of
May 1st for this to be done.  
·       Janis will be meeting with Bill Prokop to discuss the differences in the Library Personnel Policy and the Town newly revised Personnel Policy. She will report at the April meeting.

New Business:
·       It was decided that the centennial/grand opening celebration of the library should be held separately from the 125th year anniversary of the Antrim Grange. Connie noted that the original Tuttle Library grand opening was celebrated August 26, 1908. Discussion will continue at a future meeting.
·       The board approved The Grapevine’s request for permission to use the parking lot for their annual auction on October 4th.

Executive Session:
·       A motion was made by Nancy Benda to go to Executive Session to discuss personnel issues and to permanently seal the minutes. The motion was seconded by Janis King and approved unanimously by all Trustees present.
·       A motion was made by Margie Warner to resume Public Session. The motion was seconded by Janis King and approved unanimously by all Trustees present.

Next meeting: April 14, 2008 at 7:30 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Connie Kirwin, Secretary